
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

from alang to angah hehehe

~ sold ~

TQVM Fatea :)

p/s : our 2nd collaboration hahahaha.... yg 1st tu kak Jue beli :P

from a girlfriend to a boyfriend...

~ sold ~

TQVM Siti :)

p/s : sori laaaa lamabt sikit hehehehe

Saturday, June 26, 2010

to her best friend.. so sweet..

~ sold ~

** picture not provided

TQVM Kak Pah :)

Order laa lagi.. hehehhee

Thursday, June 24, 2010

greennn themed frame

~ sold ~

TQVM kawan Paeng :D

** since Paeng told us, that his fren nak theme green color.. 
soo ended up with this little fella called GREENY THE DRAGON
Lagipun, his fren kate tak mau bunga sebab die bukan mat bunga hehe

Anyway, we enjoyed making this!

deco card for birthday special

~ sold ~

** u have to pull out to view the birthday wishes...**

TQVM Epul :)

Friday, June 18, 2010


~ sold ~

TQVM Paeng :)

p/s : this is our first handmade frame!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

deco card

~ sold ~

TQVM Kak Ida :)

- ni laa deco card yang die mintak nak name anak die.. thanks again!

sheeeeppp :)

~ SOLD ~

TQVM Amie :)

- to izzah : shawn the sheep laaa!!!!!

i love ice cream on my bday!

~ SOLD ~

TQVM Amie :)

- tak boleh blanje makan eskrem betul bagi dekat kad pun bulehh :P

breakfast on ur bday :)

~ sold ~

TQVM Amie :)

- tak boleh nak buat breakfast bg kad menu breakfast pun is a great idea... isnt it?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

deco card lagi

~ sold ~

TQVM kak Ida :)

ade lagi order dari kak Ida untuk name anak die plak
Sebab die suke sangat dengan deco card ni....

Friday, June 4, 2010

more cardss

~ sold ~

more cards - custom made order :)